Elizabeth is 2 months old today. The last 8 weeks have flown by and I can't stand it! If only time could stand still...I suppose that's wishful thinking on my part. Elizabeth is growing like a weed and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to be her parents! Over the last month, she has changed so much.
Elizabeth LOVES
her activity gym
tummy time
the swing
bath time
the outdoors
her hands ( in particular her left thumb and pointer finger)
to be held
to sleep
Elizabeth DISLIKES
sleeping in her crib (at night)
wet diapers
waiting 3 hours between feedings (4 hour schedule starts next week ):)
when she smiles
bath time
watching her entertain herself
when she grasps my finger, shirt, necklace, etc.
her eyelashes (just like her daddy (:)
I love her to pieces!!!!
Elizabeth is now wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month clothing. She is getting so big! With my return to work drawing near, I have started working towards getting her on a feeding/napping schedule. She has adapted much better than I anticipated. I figured her caretakers might appreciate this effort! Currently, she nurses every three hours during the day. At night, she usually only wakes up once or twice and is sleeping anywhere between five and nine hours straight. Day time naps are still quite random, but they will work themselves out. I am more focused on feedings at the present time.
Elizabeth's eyes are a much deeper blue, but her hair remains pretty light. Lately, friends and family seem to think she is beginning to look a little more like me. Glad to hear it, because the first month and a half everyone said she looked like her daddy (and she did). I'm glad to know she may of inherited a few of my traits (:
This has been a BIG month. Elizabeth has definitely found her hands, started smiling in response to our smiles, started sleeping longer at night often skipping feedings, "skooting", cooing and rolling over (ok, so only once but it still counts). We are so proud of her and can't wait to see what fun the second month brings!!
Shots are Tuesday... pray for her and ME!