Her new grin! She loves to show off her incoming teeth!! |
Photo shoots are becoming more and more difficult! |
Her face when "da-da" enters the room . She LOVES him!!! |
Elizabeth is changing so quickly and is such a wonderful baby! She is crawling, climbing, standing (for a few seconds independently) and constantly ON THE MOVE! As each month passes, life only gets better!! She changes, achieves new milestones and melts our hearts day in and day out!
Elizabeth LOVES
cell phones/remotes
our iPad/computer
her daddy (:
swinging outside
playing peek-a-boo on the back of the couch
being tickled!!
shopping carts
her alphabet train/musical table
Elizabeth DISLIKES
her car seat
teething (particularly the upper teeth)
diaper changes- the child will not stay still
Elizabeth is wearing size 3 diapers and size 9-24 month clothing depending on the brand/article of clothing. I just exchanged a 12 month Christmas top for a size 24 month, mostly because it would not fit over her belly (: She LOVES to eat... she consumes three meals daily (baby food) along with 3-4 6 oz bottles daily. She has finally reduced her formula intake this month, whhhew! She loves snacks and we are working on the sippy cup! She is still sleeping great at night and her naps are becoming more regular.
Matt and I kid all the time about how difficult our next child will be since she has been so easy!
*8 month milestones*
feed self a "snack"
cruise furniture and stand alone momentarily
understand "no" ( but doesn't always obey it)
attempts to wave bye-bye
says "da-da" --we think?
We have our 9 month well-baby visit in a few short weeks! I can't wait to see how much she has grown (: