Monday, August 29, 2011

all sMiLeS!

This face melts my heart!!!

I left the house for a few minutes this weekend, and what would happen?! Elizabeth would crawl for the first time. Matt was so excited when he called to tell me of her latest milestone! She is climbing up on anything she can get her hands on too. Boy, how our life is about to change (:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Step Down....Night Aunties

Because of this


We had to lower her crib tonight



Elizabeth wanted to wish her Mare and Sa-Sa a good first night sleep as medical students.

"Goodnight-- I love you!! And I'll be happy to help you study Histology anytime (:"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday!!

As I said last month and the months before, it's hard to believe she is  6 MONTHS OLD!! July has been a month full of exciting changes and the most fun yet. She has really developed a little personality and is almost mobile!! She can now sit up without any assistance and is on the verge of crawling. She gets on her hands and feet and rocks back and forth - love it (:

..Starting position..

..Gearing up..

..The Rock..
And what would a monthly birthday be without a party?!?!?!

My co-workers sure do enjoy our birthday parties

Not happy!

Warming up to the idea..

Thanks Honey and Poppy!

Thanks Anne and Paw-Paw

Practicing for Santa (:

Elizabeth LOVES
Sweet peas and squash
her mobile
playing peek-a-boo
when I dry my hair
being outdoors
our iPad
holding her own bottle
sitting up

Elizabeth continues to wear size 2 diapers. She is wearing size 6-12 month, 9 month, and/or 12 month clothing depending on the brand. Her daily intake consists of 1 fruit jar and 2 vegetable jars in addition to her bottles. She continues to sleep well through the night, while napping remains rather unpredictable. But I am not complaining, because she gets adequate amounts of sleep!! Overall, she is one HAPPY baby.

As of 6 months, Elizabeth--
 has two bottom teeth
 can sit up independently
 holds her own bottle on occasion
does NOT like sippy cups
pulls up on the railing in her crib

I'm sure that I've left something out, but this is it for now. We go back to the doctor next Friday, and I can't wait to hear her stats!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Can we say...


There's a first time for everything. We had been playing all afternoon, and when I looked up from folding clothes I found her like this. Funny thing is, she slept like this until daddy arrived home from work. Love her (;